

拉卜楞寺英语导游词 篇1

Dear tourist friends, welcome to Labrang temple. Labrang temple is locatedin Xiahe County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province. Labrangtemple is the manyin of Tibetan "lazhang", which means the residence of livingBuddha. It is one of the six temples of Gelug Sect in Tibetan Buddhism. Theother five main monasteries are Gandan, sera, zhashlunbu, Drepung and tal inTibet. Labrang temple is known as the "world Tibetan academy". In its heyday,there were more than 4000 monks. The leader of the temple was the sixthJiamuyang Hutuktu, and other leaders included badakanpu and sidadachi. Labrangtemple, known as 108 temples in history, is the political and religious centerof Gannan region, and retains the best teaching system of Tibetan Buddhism inChina. The temple is located in the north and south, covering a total area of866000 square meters, with a construction area of more than 400000 squaremeters. There are more than 90 main temples, including six colleges, 16 Buddhisttemples, 18 living Buddha palaces, monks' houses, lectern, Fayuan, Yinjingtemple, pagodas, etc., forming a group of magnificent buildings with Tibetancharacteristics, with no less than 10000 houses. The temple is the oldest andonly temple built in the period of the first Jiamuyang living Buddha, which islocated next to the Sutra Hall of xiaxubu college. In 1982, it was listed as anational key cultural relics protection unit. Tourism was opened to the outsideworld in 1980.

Dear tourists, Labrang temple has a unique architectural style. All theBuddhist temples in the temple use local stone, wood, earth and anise asbuilding materials, and rarely use metal. The whole building is wide at thebottom and narrow at the top, which is similar to trapezoid shape. It has theknowledge of "no wood outside, no stone inside". According to their differentfunctions and levels, the temples are painted with red, yellow, white and othersoil pigments, the balcony eaves are hung with colored cloth curtain, and thetop and wall of large and medium-sized buildings are covered with bronzegold-plated Falun, Yinyang beast, Aquarius, Fanzhuang, Jinding and Xiongshi.Some of the halls also integrated and absorbed the architectural achievements ofthe Han people, adding palace style roofs, covered with gold-plated copper tilesor green glazed tiles. There are more than 10000 national cultural relics andBuddhist works of art in Labrang temple. In each hall, there are 16 giantBuddhas with gold-plated bronze or sandalwood carvings more than 8 meters high.There are many kinds of medium and small Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, pagodas, andDharma implements. The temple also has the clothing and other daily necessitiesof Jiamuyang masters, as well as the imperial edict, seal, seal, large plaque,thousand Buddha tree, Pearl Tower, yuruyi, meteorite and haihaiya.

Dear tourists, the religious system of Labrang monastery is mainly composedof six colleges: Wensi, medicine, Shilun, jijingang, ShangXu and Xiaxu. Amongthe monasteries in the whole Mongolian and Tibetan areas, the system is the mostperfect.

Wensi college is the largest of the six colleges, also known as Dajinghall. It has hundreds of houses including front hall building, front courtyard,main hall and back hall, covering an area of more than 10 mu. It is a mixedstructure of Tibetan style and ancient palace style, with gold-plated coppertiles, copper goats, Falun, Fanzhuang, Baoping and other decorations on the top.It focuses on the study of the five great theories written by Indian Buddhists(the theory of interpretation, the theory of Prajna, the theory of middle view,the theory of giving up and the theory of discipline). Wensi college belongs toXianzong, and the other five colleges belong to Mizong and others. Xianzongemphasized understanding and systematically studied the principles of Buddhism,while Tantric emphasized cultivation and monks received special education. Thestudy time of Wensi college is divided into nine semesters, namely fouruniversity periods, one month each semester; two middle school periods, 20 dayseach semester; three primary school periods, 15 days each semester. Every year,monks have to pass strict examinations before they can be promoted. The time isNovember 19 of the lunar calendar. In the examination, the examinee sits in themiddle and answers the questions raised by gexi and the monks. Only when theanswers are satisfactory and there are no omissions, can the examinee pass.Shilun college. In addition to studying the dense multiplication of time wheelrelated to observation, he mainly studied the astronomical calendar of timewheel.

The monks in the medical college major in Tibetan medicine and are alsodivided into three grades. The primary monk must recite the conversion Sutra,the Green Tara Sutra, the Guanyin Heart Sutra, the immovable Sutra, thefundamental continuation and the follow-up. The intermediate monk recited ShiXu, Yao Wang Jing, Ma Wang Bai Lian Jing, etc. Senior monk mainly studies "fourmedical Canons" and "Bodhi Dao Di Di Guang Lun".

Hi King Kong College. This paper mainly studies the birth and perfection ofxijingang. They are divided into three classes with indefinite years. Theprimary monks mainly recite the Sutra of supreme offering, the Sutra ofwonderful auspicious names, the Sutra of great virtue, the Sutra of full wish,the Sutra of Vajra greeting, blessing, self, altar burning, wish, return, theSutra of Vajra hand, the Sutra of Vajra yoga, and learn how to draw Vajra andother mandala with colored sand. The intermediate monk majored in Chinesecalendar, Tibetan grammar, calligraphy, and French dance, which imitated theTibetan dimulin. Senior monks should observe the three laws, meditate andmeditate in order to achieve good results.

He continued to go to college. It is built in imitation of Lhasacontinuation college, mainly studying the way of Tantric birth and perfection.It is divided into three grades, and the number of years is indefinite. Thestudy of classics is basically the same as the continuation college. Continue tothe next college. Specializing in esoteric school, there are three levels. Atthe beginning, the monks mainly recited the nine Vajra Sutras of fear, the sixarm Dharma protection Sutra, the Dharma protection Sutra of Fawang, the JimiSutra, the great freedom Sutra, and the xubu Sutra. At the intermediate level,they must recite the "Jimi Ziru Sutra", "Dazi Ziren Sutra", "shaotan Sutra","xubu Sutra" and "fozan" and learn to make mandala with colored fine sand. Highlevel, according to the "birth and completion of the second order" in theprescribed procedures of practice. Every year from February 17 to 21 of thelunar calendar, he passed the debate examination of Tantric doctrine andobtained the oremba degree. Only one student was selected every year. Touristswho are interested in learning Esoteric Buddhism can come here to practice.

拉卜楞寺英语导游词 篇2

It is located 0.5km west of Xiahe County, Gannan Tibetan AutonomousPrefecture. Its original name is Gadan Xiazhu bodaji suqibeilang, or zaxiqitemple for short. It is one of the six major temples of Gelug Sect (Huangjiao)of Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism) in China, and is generally called Labrang temple.Master Song Zhe was founded in 1709, the 48th year of Emperor Kangxi of QingDynasty. In the 53rd year of Kangxi reign (1714), the "lazhang" (JiamuyangBuddhist Palace) was established. The sound of "lazhang" changed to "Labrang",which means the highest living Buddha residence in the temple.

The temple is located in the north and south, covering a total area of866000 square meters, with a construction area of more than 400000 squaremeters. There are more than 90 main temples, including six colleges, 16 Buddhisttemples, 18 angqian (Great Living Buddha Palace), monk's house and lecturingaltar, Fayuan, Yinjing temple, pagoda, etc., forming a group of magnificentbuildings with Tibetan characteristics, with no less than 10000 houses.

The religious system of Labrang monastery is mainly composed of sixcolleges: Wensi, medicine, Shilun, Jigang, shangxubu and xiaxubu. Among themonasteries in the whole Mongolian and Tibetan areas, the system is the mostperfect. Wensi college is its center, also known as Dajing hall. It has hundredsof houses including front hall building, front courtyard, main hall and backhall, covering an area of more than 10 mu. It is a mixed structure of Tibetanstyle and ancient palace style, with gilt copper tiles, copper goats, Falun,Fanzhuang, Baoping and other decorations on the top. It focuses on the study ofthe five great theories written by Indian Buddhists (the theory ofinterpretation, the theory of Prajna, the theory of middle view, the theory ofgiving up and the theory of discipline).

All the Buddhist temples in the temple use local stone, wood, earth andfennel as building materials, and rarely use metal. The whole building is wideat the bottom and narrow at the top, which is similar to trapezoid shape. Thereis a saying that "no wood outside, no stone inside". According to theirdifferent functions and grades, the temples are painted with red, yellow, whiteand other soil pigments, the balcony eaves are hung with colored cloth curtain,and the top and wall of large and medium-sized buildings are covered with bronzegilded Falun, yin and Yang beast, Aquarius, Fanzhuang, Jinding and Xiongshi.Some of the halls also integrated and absorbed the architectural achievements ofthe Han people, adding palace style roofs, covered with gilt copper tiles orgreen glazed tiles.

There are more than 10000 national cultural relics and Buddhist works ofart in Labrang temple. In each hall, there are 16 giant Buddhas with bronze giltor sandalwood carvings more than 8 meters high. There are many kinds of mediumand small Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, pagodas, and Dharma implements. The temple alsohas the clothing and other daily necessities of Jiamuyang masters, as well asthe imperial edicts, seals, letters, large plaques, thousand Buddha tree, PearlTower, yuruyi, meteorite, haihaiya, etc.

拉卜楞寺英语导游词 篇3

Labrang red religion temple is located next to Wangfu village, Jiujiatownship. The red religion belongs to the "Ningma" sect of Tibetan Buddhism. Itbelieves in Lotus peanuts. Monks wear white cassocks with red edges and braidson their heads. They settle down, marry and have children. In June 1880, thefourth jiamuyanggazangtu danwangxiu was in the local xianglang of ledi chagao.The signs in one night's dream coincided with master lianhuasheng's prophecy. Hefelt that the time had come to establish the Hongjiao temple. Therefore, inApril 1887, he carried out Buddhist activities, called together monks scatteredin various villages, formulated Temple rules, assigned administrators, and gaveeach administrator a cassock and other monks Each person is given 50 coppercoins as gifts to master lianhuasheng in the temple.

In 1946, the fifth Jiamuyang danbeijianshen built the Sutra hall and somemonasteries, and appointed the living Buddha degekang as the platform of thetemple. In October of the lunar calendar, master Jiamuyang came to thecelebration ceremony to chant sutras and pray. The Sutra hall was namedsangqinmengjilang, and Huici Temple monk wore new cassock (now attire) and othertemple rules.

There are three classes in Labrang Hongjiao temple. The primary classmainly studies the Scriptures that are often recited, followed by the skills ofZhengcao calligraphy, intonation and rhyme of chanting scriptures, and theshaping of Gama. The intermediate class studies grammar, grammar, poetics,medicine and other subjects. The advanced class studies the esoteric sutras suchas "the teachings of master Pu Xian".

Besides normal religious activities, Tibetan opera performance is also amajor activity in Labrang red religion temple. Tibetan Opera is performed duringmajor festivals such as the first month of the year. The performance team of thetemple was founded in 1955, and its first play was "zhimeigengdeng", including"adaramao", "Chisong Dezan" and "Sangmu".

拉卜楞寺英语导游词 篇4

Located 1 km to the west of Xiahe County, daxiahe river forms a basinbetween Longshan and Fengshan. The Tibetan people call it a cornucopia, andLabrang temple is located on the cornucopia. Together with Drepung temple, seratemple, Gandan temple, zashilunbu temple and tal temple in Qinghai Province, itis called the six major monasteries of Gelug Sect (yellow Religion) of Lamaismin China. Labrang is the transliteration of Tibetan "lazhang", which means theplace where the Buddhist palace is located.

The temple was built in 1709, the 48th year of the reign of Emperor Kangxiof the Qing Dynasty. There are 18 magnificent Buddhist temples, more than 10000monk houses, numerous buildings and red walls, with extraordinary momentum.Among them, the most famous is the six ZHACANG. Zacang, which means college inTibetan. The six chacangs are the six Buddhist Colleges: Wensi College ofxiuxianzong, upper college and lower College of xumizong, Shilun College ofastronomy, Medical College of medicine and xijingang College of law. Among them,Wensi college is the center of the whole temple, with three main parts: fronthall, main hall and back hall. The front hall is for the statue of songzangan,the king of Tibet, and the main hall is hung with a plaque of "huijue Temple",which was granted by Emperor Ganlong of Qing Dynasty. The main hall, with 11bays, is 100 meters wide and 75 meters deep. It has 140 columns and can hold4000 lamas chanting sutras at the same time. The hall is decorated with colorfulbanners, more than 100 butter lamps and cigarettes. It is a Buddhist atmosphere.There are also two pulpits, a sutra house and a printing house in the temple,with tens of thousands of cultural relics and more than 60000 Tibetanclassics.

There are 18 "Lacan" in Labrang temple. "LAKANG" (Buddhist temple) is themeeting place for lamas to chant scriptures. Among them, Shouxi temple is thelargest, with 6 floors and a height of more than 20 meters. Inside the hall,there are about 15 meters high Buddha statues of Sakyamuni. The roof issurrounded by golden dragons and the wall is surrounded by silver lions. It iswell deserved to call Labrang temple a higher institution of TibetanBuddhism