

莫高窟导游词英语作文 篇1

Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. I'm your guide today. Today I'll show you the MogaoGrottoes in Dunhuang.

Welcome to visit here, you need to pay attention to: first, no lettering,second, no photos, third, no littering.

You see, that is our Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. It was listed in the UNESCOWorld Cultural Heritage list in December 1987. Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is thelargest and most complete Buddhist art treasure house in the world.

Mogao Grottoes is located 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang city. It issaid that it was built by a monk named lezun. It has a history of 1652 years. In366 A.D., lezun traveled eastward. One evening, he looked from Sanwei mountainto Mingsha mountain. When he saw that Mingsha mountain was golden, he felt thatit was a hint from the Buddha. It was the best place to practice. So he chiseledout the first cave here, and then painstakingly practiced. Later, after theexpansion of the past dynasties, the Mogao Grottoes formed today's scale.

The red nine story building you can see now is cave 96. The Maitreya statuein it is 33 meters high. It is the largest indoor Maitreya statue in the worldand the third largest Buddha in China after Leshan Buddha and RongxianBuddha.

Do these caves look like dense beehives? Although the Mogao Grottoes inDunhuang are called thousand Buddha Caves, they actually have only 492 caves.Cave 17 is a famous Sutra cave. It was discovered by a Taoist named Wang yuanleiin 1920__. But later, the British archaeologist Stein came to the Mogao Grottoesand even cheated and robbed many scriptures, which are still preserved in theBritish Museum.

You see, this is the famous fresco - nine color deer in cave 257. There isanother legend about the nine color deer: Once upon a time, a nine color deersaved a man in the Ganges River. The nine color deer told him: "you must nottell other people my address." The man agreed, but he didn't keep his promise.He told the king the address of the nine color deer. The king took some peopleto catch the nine color deer. Later, he learned the truth from the nine colordeer. The man was finally punished, covered with sores, and died in pain. Infact, the nine color deer is the previous life of Sakyamuni, the Buddha. It isalso a famous Bunsen story painting in the Mogao Grottoes. There are manyBuddhist story paintings like this in the Mogao Grottoes.

In cave 148, there is a reclining Buddha, 16 meters long, with eyesslightly closed, as if in a dream.

Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is the crystallization of ancient people's wisdom,but also our pride.

This is the end of today's visit. Thank you!

莫高窟导游词英语作文 篇2

Hello, my name is Gao chenrui. You can call me Gao Dao. Today ourdestination is Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes.

Mogao Grottoes is located on the cliff at the eastern foot of Mingsha, 25kilometers southeast of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province, China. Facing the East,it is 1600 meters long and 50 meters high. Mogao Grottoes is a national keycultural relics protection unit, commonly known as thousand Buddha cave, famousfor its exquisite murals and statues. It was built in the pre Qin period of theSixteen States and went through the Sixteen States, Northern Dynasties, Sui,Tang, Five Dynasties and Xixia. It is the largest and most abundant Buddhist artholy land in the world. When you enter the Mogao Grottoes, you can see themurals, but don't touch the murals, and don't use ordinary flashlights and flashcameras, otherwise the murals will be damaged.

The Mogao Grottoes are painted on the four walls, the top of the grottoesand the niches. The contents are broad and profound. There are mainly sevenkinds of themes, such as Buddha statues, Buddhist stories, donors and decorativepatterns. These paintings are magnificent, bright and magnificent, reflectingthe artistic styles and characteristics of different periods. On the murals ofthe Mogao Grottoes, you can see the beautiful flying sky everywhere. The flyingsky dances in the boundless universe. Some dive down from the sky like a meteor;some pass through the tall buildings like a dragon.

This is the end of today's journey. I'm very happy to be your guide.Goodbye!

莫高窟导游词英语作文 篇3

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. I'm yourguide. Let's call me Lao Zhou. The four major grottoes are: Longmen Grottoes,Yungang Grottoes, Maijishan grottoes and Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. The largest ofthem is the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Next, follow me to Dunhuang MogaoGrottoes!

First of all, I would like to introduce the thousand Buddha cave in MogaoGrottoes. He is known as the most valuable cultural discovery of the 20thcentury. Located in Dunhuang at the western end of the corridor, the OrientalLouvre is famous for its exquisite murals and statues. At present, there are 735caves, 405 square meters of murals and 2415 clay colored sculptures. It is thelargest and most abundant Buddhist holy land in the world.

All kinds of grottoes are of different sizes. Thousands of small Buddhastatues are carved on the cliff of thousand Buddha cave. Although each smallBuddha statue is only one inch high, its head and body are carved vividly. OK,to the next attraction.

You see, this thing is a nine layer cover, also known as "Beida statue". Itis 36 meters high and is the third largest Buddha in the world. The MogaoGrottoes is a treasure chest.

Well, that's the end of the tour. look forward to seeing you next time!

莫高窟导游词英语作文 篇4

"Hello everyone! Today I'll be your tour guide. My name is Zhao Liang.Let's call me Xiao Zhao. Today I'll show you the magic Mogao Grottoes."

"You may not know that the Mogao Grottoes is located at the westernmost endof the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province, about 25 kilometers away from the city.It is the largest treasure house of classical art in China and the center ofBuddhism. Mogao Grottoes was built in the first year of Taihe (366 A.D.) in theEastern Jin Dynasty. It is said that a monk named lezun passed by and suddenlysaw the golden light shining, as if a Thousand Buddhas appeared. Lezun thoughtthat this was the holy land of Buddhism, so he went around to collect money andexcavated the first grottoes. Later, many caves were excavated one afteranother.

To ask how many caves there are in Mogao Grottoes, let me tell you. Thereare more than 492 caves in Mogao Grottoes, with more than 20__ statues. Thelargest one is 33 meters high, and the smallest one is only 10 meters high.Among the 492 caves, there are 45000 square meters of strokes from the SixteenKingdoms, the Northern Wei, the Western Wei, the Northern Zhou, the Sui, theTang, the Five Dynasties, the song, the Huihe, the Xixia, the yuan, the Qing,and the Republic of China. It is an incomparable historical gallery. There arealso 3390 painted sculptures of the past dynasties, including 2088 round statuesand 1302 shadow sculptures. Today, you are lucky to see them See some ofthem.

By the way, dear tourist friends, I would like to remind you that in orderto prevent the chemical reaction of the flash light on the murals, resulting inaccelerated oxidation and dispersion, resulting in decolorization and damage ofthe murals, we are not allowed to take photos during the visit. Please abide bythe relevant regulations.

Now you can have free activities and enjoy it slowly “

"Well, today we'll visit here first. There are still many places we can'tvisit. We'll come back next time. Thank you."

莫高窟导游词英语作文 篇5

Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Hello, friends. I'm today's tour guide. Now I'd like to take you to visitthe world famous Buddhist art treasure house - Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes. TheMogao Grottoes are 25 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang city. I will use thistime to make a brief introduction to the Mogao Grottoes.

Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang and YungangGrottoes in Datong are known as the three major Grottoes in China. Theexcavation of Mogao Grottoes is 120__ years earlier than Longmen Grottoes and 94years earlier than Yungang Grottoes. The Mogao Grottoes have been built for along time. It is well-known for its large-scale architecture, large number ofmurals, large number of statues and complete preservation, and its profoundartistic value. Tourists come one after another in a year, which plays animportant role in promoting cultural exchanges, spreading theories, carryingforward national art and carrying out patriotic education. The mural art ofMogao Grottoes is not found in Longmen Grottoes and Yungang Grottoes, which cannot be compared with any grotto temple in the world. It is the essence of MogaoGrottoes art. If the 45000 square meters of murals are connected one by one, itwill be as long as 25 kilometers. If we want to put these murals on theroadside, it can form a long gallery from the urban area to the Mogao Grottoes.With its grand scale, wide range of subjects and exquisite art, it is called "abig Gallery" by Japanese scholars and "a library on the wall" by Frenchscholars. Just as a scholar said after seeing the Mogao Grottoes: "to see theLihuang Grottoes is to see the ancient civilization of the world.".

Mogao Grottoes, backed by Mingsha mountain and facing Sanwei peak, has atotal length of more than 1600 meters from north to south. There are 492existing caves with different sizes, scattered up and down, and densely coveredwith cliffs. Each cave has vivid statues, graceful flying sky, exquisite muralsand exquisite tiles, forming a Buddhist world full of religious atmosphere. TheMogao Grottoes were built in 366 ad, the second year of Jianyuan reign of thepre Qin Dynasty. Now I'm going to visit the caves. First of all, we'll visit thefamous "Sutra cave". This cave is located on the north side of the corridor ofsystem engineering cave No. 17. It was originally the "shadow cave" of monkTonghong in the late Tang Dynasty, which is recorded in the inscription. One dayin may 1920__, Wang Yuanlu, a Taoist who was in charge of the Mogao Grottoes,opened the "Sutra cave" which had been secret for more than 100 years by chance.These precious cultural relics finally came to light. However, the corruption ofthe Qing Dynasty and the ignorance of Wang Yuanlu made these precious culturalrelics plundered and robbed by imperialists. In 1920x, obrucchev of CzaristRussia came to the Mogao Grottoes and used six bags of daily necessities as baitto defraud a number of cultural relics. In 1920x, Stein, an Englishman, robbedmore than 10000 volumes with only a few dozen pieces of horseshoe silver. At thesame time, there are more than 500 Buddhist embroidery and paintings, which arenow stored in the British Museum. In 1920x, birch, a Frenchman, stole more than6000 volumes of cultural relics, which are now stored in the French NationalLibrary and the gimme Museum in Paris. In October 1920__, Koichiro Yoshikawa andjujujuchao of the otaku expedition stole more than 900 volumes. It was not until1920x that the Qing government transported the remains to Beijing and collectedthem in the Beijing Library. Many cultural relics were stolen, damaged and lostduring transportation and after transportation to Beijing, which is aninestimable loss in the history of Chinese archaeology. The contents of thesedocuments found in "zangjing cave" include religious classics and worldly desiredocuments written in various languages. They involve many subjects and areimportant materials for the study of ancient religion, politics, economy,military and culture. After decades of research by scholars at home and abroad,they have developed a new and popular subject Dunhuang studies.

Well, I'll introduce it here. The charm of this kind of art treasure needsto be realized by yourself. I hope you can gain your own insights in theappreciation!

莫高窟导游词英语作文 篇6

Everybody is good! Welcome to the dunhuang mogao grottoes, I am your tour guide, please protect its health, graffito of the scribble not, at any time pay attention to safety.

Mogao grottoes is known as "thousand-buddha grottoes, located in 25 km southeast of dunhuang city, gansu province in western China on the cliff, grottoes north and south long one thousand six hundred meters, a total of five layers from top to bottom, the top 50 meters, the existing four hundred and ninety-two caves, murals of more than forty-five thousand meters, two thousand four hundred and fifteen body painted sculpture, statue of flying more than four thousand, and the mogao grottoes scale, has a long history, and yunnan grottoes in shanxi, henan longmen grottoes and called China's" three grotto art treasure trove.

Mogao grottoes was originally carved in 366 AD, to the basic end in 1217-1217, through constant during digging, make the mogao grottoes set the period of the world's largest, most abundant content, the oldest buddhist art treasure, but also show the generations of the outstanding wisdom and remarkable achievements of the working people.

Next to the mogao grottoes covered with grass, which not only next to decorate, still grow tall and dense, planted thick trees on both sides, it also became a scenery here, from the distant, the mogao grottoes in the grass between the trees, how beautiful!

Well, dear visitors, now, the mogao grottoes is really beautiful, wish you all a happy journey, to be in a good mood.