

广西英语导游词2023 篇1

Xishan Park is located in the west of Guilin City, covering an area ofabout 2 square kilometers, including Yinshan and Xishan. Xishan was once a holyland of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty, with xiqinglin temple, one of the fiveBuddhist temples in the south at that time. Today, there are more than 90 nichesand more than 200 statues on the mountain wall. Before the Ming and QingDynasties, there used to be a 700 Mu West Lake at the southeast foot of the westmountain. The lotus pond was full of moonlight, and the smoke was curling. Inthe lake, an exquisite Hill loomed, which was named Yinshan. After that, no onedredged it, so it was silted. Today, there are only 74 mu of lake surface and 25mu of lotus pond. At present, the main scenic spots in China are six caves inYinshan, Xifeng, Guanyin peak, Longtou peak, Qianshan and babushi gold tomb,Guilin Museum, Kumamoto Friendship Museum, fazang temple in Yinshan, West Lake,Jiuqu bridge and pavilions. It has become the second largest comprehensive parkin Guilin.

The gate of Xishan Park is located in the north of the east section ofXishan Road, opposite to the parking lot and bus stop. It is the gate of thepark and the entrance to the museum, Xishan and West Lake. It is composed of agroup of pavilions and corridors. It was built in October 1980. The mainentrance is decorated with 4 columns, 3 openings, Tongji, green tiles, and cloudhead with a famous calligrapher Qigong inscribed "Xishan Park". On the east sideof the main entrance is a corridor with sloping roof, green tiles and glazedwindows, which is connected with the circular arch at the entrance and exit. Onthe east side of the arch is a ticket booth. In front of the garden gate, thereis a 1200 square meter open terrace with a flower bed. The total area of thebuilding is 585 square meters. The whole garden gate is in harmony with thescenery in the garden, which is elegant and elegant.

Guilin museum is located in Xishan Park. It started preparation in 1963,built in 1986, completed in June 1988 and opened in December of the same year.It is a local museum with Guilin history and culture as its main content. Itcovers an area of 9000 square meters and a construction area of 8500 squaremeters. It consists of the preface hall, the lecture hall, the reception hall,the information room, the cultural relics storeroom and eight exhibition halls.There are "Guilin Historical Relics Exhibition", "Guangxi minority customsExhibition", "international friends gift Exhibition", "Ming and Qing porcelainexhibition", etc. There are 21500 cultural relics in the collection. Inaddition, exhibitions of various works of art are often held.

Guilin Kumamoto museum is in Xishan Park. It was completed in October 1990.The building area is 947.2 square meters, and the memorial garden is 1200 squaremeters. Japanese residential architectural style. It is composed of permanentexhibition hall, special exhibition hall and memorial garden. The permanentexhibition hall is equipped with Japanese badie room and tea ceremony room, aswell as photos and traditional crafts of Kumamoto. The special exhibition hallheld various exchange and exhibition activities between the two cities. Japanesestyle gardens reflect the customs and tastes of Kumamoto residents. Kumamotomuseum is the crystallization and symbol of friendly cooperation between thepeople of the two cities.

Xishan is located in the east section of Xishan Road, Xiufeng District, onthe west side of Hunan Guangxi railway, 2 kilometers away from the downtownsquare. It is composed of 12 peaks, mainly including Qianshan, Liyu, Xifeng,Guanyin, etc., with Xifeng being the highest. It is composed of Upper Devonianless pure limestone strata 350 million years ago. There is a peak valley in thepeaks of the Western Hills, where the Soviet Army Lieutenant Colonel Babushkinwho supported China's Anti Japanese war was buried. In the west of the valley isQianshan Mountain, which is steep and steep, and is a barrier between the northand the South; in the northeast is Liyu peak, which is like a giant fish leapingover the water; in the northwest is the main peak of the west mountain, which isthe West peak; in the north by west is Guanyin peak, under which is a dangerousrock like Longtou peak, which is also called "Longtou stone forest".

Xishan used to be an ancient Buddhist resort. In the Tang and SongDynasties, the temples here were brilliant and scattered. In Tang Dynasty, thereare famous xiqinglin temple, also known as Yanling temple and Xifeng temple; inSong Dynasty, there are Ziqing temple and Qianshan temple. At that time, eminentmonks, celebrities, good men and women traveled here in an endless stream. Thereare more than 200 cliff statues in Qianshan, Liyu peak, Guanyin peak and Longtoustone forest, most of which are works of the Tang Dynasty.

In recent years, the stone mountain has been afforested and planted withpines and cypresses, covering 39% of the area. It is only today that Mo Xiufu ofTang Dynasty said in Guilin local customs that "the peaks and hills are full ofteeth, and the clouds and trees reflect each other, making it a place for agovernment to win and travel.".

Guanyin peak is located in the west of Xishan Park, 328 meters above sealevel, with a relative height of 178 meters, second only to Xifeng. This is thetreasure house of cliff statues. You can climb to the top of the peak along thestone steps. There are dozens of niches of Buddha statues on the side of theroad. There are more than 100 statues, which are 2 meters high and tens ofcentimeters small. There is the famous pilushena Buddha on the half ridge, whichwas created by Li Shi in 679, the first year of Tiaolu in Tang Dynasty. Theniche is a natural grotto, 3.8 meters high and 2.6 meters wide; the statue is1.20 meters high and 0.79 meters wide, sitting on the lotus platform; theplatform is 0.52 meters high. The lotus Bodhisattva sits 0.9 meters high besidethe Buddha, one on each side. There is "statue" below. There is Xifeng pavilionnot far away. Xifeng is not only a Buddhist cultural relic resort, but also agood place to enjoy the landscape, buildings and clouds in the west of thecity.

Xifeng is located in the west of Xishan Park. It is connected with Guanyin,Qianshan and Liyu. It is located in the west of the three peaks. The sea levelis 357 meters, the relative height is 107 meters, the East-West length is 1600meters, the North-South width is 97 meters, and the mountain area is 82.25hectares. Looking at the West Peak from afar, it is the highest peak of the westmountain. Every dusk, the setting sun sprinkles all over the world, and thegolden light is thousands of ways. It is the "Xifeng sunset" of Guilin's eightfamous sceneries.

Xifeng Pavilion is located on the hillside of Liyu peak. It is a good placeto enjoy the sunset of Xifeng peak. It is called Xifeng Pavilion. Originally awooden structure, it was built in 1958 and later abandoned. Now it is on theWest platform of the old site. A new reinforced concrete upper structure isbuilt. The octagonal pavilion with single eaves, zanjianding, Zhuzhu and Lvwa is10 meters high, 8.3 meters long and 8.3 meters wide, covering an area of 71square meters. Zhou You's stone hurdles are inscribed by Huang Miaozi, a famouscalligrapher and painter, and couplets under them. They are "a view of athousand peaks around the world; a small pavilion with a breeze". They areattractive to linger around. The scenery is very beautiful, and the forest isquiet. They open up blocks and enjoy peace.

Qianshan is located in the southeast of Xifeng in Xishan Park. The sealevel is 357 meters and the relative height is 207 meters. Qianshan temple wasbuilt in the Zhenguan period of Tang Dynasty (627-649). It was rebuilt in SongDynasty. Zhang Xiaoxiang and Li zengbo, the pacifier of Guangxi, engraved threecharacters "Qianshan Temple" on the side of the temple, which were abandoned fora long time. Qianshan Mountain is lush with beautiful scenery. Fang Xiaoru, apoet of the Song Dynasty, built "country mountain forest" and engraved fourcharacters on the stone to accompany his mother. It is a zigzag and quiet scenicroad from the existing Shideng to the peak.

Qianshan temple is built on the Qianshan Mountain in Xishan Park. It wasbuilt between Zhenguan in Tang Dynasty and rebuilt in Song Dynasty. High andpowerful, with a wide field of vision, it is a place of great tourism. In theSong Dynasty, Zhang Xiaoxiang's Qianshan Guanji says: "Qiandao bingxu (1166)passed through Zhang in the Yang Dynasty. Because of the detached Pavilion, itwas based on Qianshan Guanji. It's the best way to see success and go away. "Beside the climbing Road of Qianshan Mountain, Li zengbo and Zhang Xiaoxianginscribed the book "Qianshan view" on the stone wall. Now it has been abandonedfor a long time, and the site should be at the precipice of "QianshanTemple".

广西英语导游词2023 篇2

Lemandi Forest Resort is located in the West Bank of Linghu Lake inXing'an. It is a leisure villa with unique style in China. The whole resort isdivided into three areas according to its functions: cabin area, campingplatform area and forest recreation area. The cabin area is the main line of thewhole resort, just like being in a beautiful castle in a fairy tale world. Atthe moment when the lover of honeymoon enters the cabin, another more wonderfulfairy tale of life is brewing. Seventy three camping platforms have ourchildhood dream: to go to a distant country alone with luggage, to open up a skyof our own, to invite our own people, and to enjoy the enthusiasm of our heartsin the starry night, surrounded by a raging campfire

There are more than ten holiday cabins on the upper and lower floors andone Cliff Villa in the wooden house area. The wooden house is specially hired byEuropean and American designers. According to the European and Japanesearchitectural styles, it is built with all natural high-quality wood. Thefour-star hotel rooms inside the wooden house are decorated to provide all-roundservices for every guest. In the sunshine, you can see from the window,surrounded by yellow walls, red tiles and blue waves; in the moonlight, you canwalk in the woods, with frogs and drums and insects, and the stars and the moonare like practice. It is the perfect combination of the excellent artisticconception and complete facilities that outlines an elegant, leisurely andbeautiful leisure picture for you.

Camping platform is an open resort with different styles. There are 73 allwood open camping platforms in the whole area. Tourists can camp together ingroups, or light bonfires in the campfire area and have a carnival all night, orsit around in front of the platform holding candles and inviting wine to themoon. The natural and simple atmosphere will come to accompany you through thecolorful sky full of youth and vitality.

Next to the camping platform area is the colorful forest recreation area,including the unique hydrophilic channel, the heavy and simple Fengyu bridge inZhuang, the lovers' footpath with winding paths, the brilliant Camellia Valley,the Yuelao Pavilion, the thunderbolt pulley and the artificial grass skiingfield Every bit of the layout reflects that the whole project is exquisitelycarved and brilliant. In addition, the natural landscape around shows the uniquecharm of the whole forest resort.

The leisure hotel is built according to the five-star standard, covering anarea of more than 100 mu. It has 368 high-class guest rooms, Chinese and Westernrestaurants, shopping malls, 9 conference halls and dance halls that canaccommodate 30-500 people, KTV, spa, entertainment rooms, indoor and outdoorswimming pools, tennis courts, barbecue areas and other comprehensivefacilities.

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The theme park is specially designed by magic mountain, an expert ofAmerican Disneyland. It covers an area of about 500 mu, all of which areimported equipment. It is a large entertainment place similar to AmericanDisneyland orchestra. It is divided into six theme areas: Happy China City,Great Western District, dream world District, pirate village, South Pacificdistrict and Big Island district. There are more than 50 amusement facilitiesand performances. It is a happy garden suitable for all ages.

Designed by American expert golden Louis, the golf course is the largestinternational standard 18 hole course in Guangxi, with 72 par and 7084 yards offairway. The former nine caves are dominated by mountain scenery, while thelatter nine tunes are dominated by lake scenery, which is very challenging. Inaddition, there are driving ranges for golfers to practice in the golf courseand the urban area.

广西英语导游词2023 篇3

Duxiu Peak is located in the city center to Jingjiang King City, Gufengprotuberance, steep, majestic momentum, known as "a pillar of the South". At thefoot of Shandong Province, Yan Yanyuan, a litterateur in the Southern Dynastiesand the Song Dynasty, is the most ancient celebrity in Guilin. Yan once wrote agood sentence that "if you are not alone, you can be alone in the bar". If themorning glow or the sunset glow, the solitary peak looks like wearing purplerobes and gold clothes, so it is also known as Zishe mountain.

Taipingyan, formerly known as Xiyan, is located at the West foot of DuxiuPeak. It is 2.9 meters high, 4.25 meters wide, 31.5 meters long and covers anarea of 140 square meters. North to snow cave. The cave is commonly known as theBangdong cave, which is painted by Zhu Bangning, king of Gonghui. During theredevelopment of jiajingjian (1522-1566) in the Ming Dynasty, a coin of "TaipingTongbao" was excavated. King Jingjiang thought that "this is a good omen, andthe mountain spirit told it to" so he named it Taiping rock ". The name oftaipingyan is still used. Taipingyan has its own characteristics. The rock islike a spacious house. The ground is very flat. There are stalactites hanging onthe top of the rock. Some of them look like neatly combed maiden servant girlhair, some of them look like colorful dragon scales, and some of them aredazzling with strange shapes and shining gold and silver. The vassal kings ofMing Dynasty planted flowers and trees in front of the cave, built pagodas andnunneries, built statues in the cave, personally wrote the story of Duxiu rock,invited local officials to write poems at banquets, and engraved a number ofclan poems on the cave wall.

Yueyachi is located at the east foot of Duxiu Peak in the urban area. Inaddition, the original Duxiu spring was built in the shape of crescent moon. Onthe pool, there is a water pavilion with a curved model and a willow on the sideof the pool. The scenery is very beautiful. Crescent East Notre Dame, Chuntaoand Bailong are known as the four famous pools in Guilin.

Snow cave is located at the northwest foot of Duxiu Peak, facing thecrescent pool, with a height of about 3 meters, a width of 5.6 meters, a depthof 32 meters, and an area of about 180 square meters. "Chiya" written by MingHulu: "the milk stone in the snow cave is the most strange." The wall of thecave is white, and the suspended milky stones are as white as snow. The entranceof the cave is engraved with the word "snow cave" and is flanked by Shuangfengstone. The original poems of Tang Dynasty are lost.

Zhongshan Memorial Tower is a key cultural relic protection unit in Guilin.It is located in the east of Duxiu Peak in Wangcheng city. In September 1925,the famous figures of the Kuomintang in Guangxi, such as Bai Chongxi, LiuWeizhang, Li yaoxuan, Li Weiren, Qiu Bangtao, etc., built the tower at the placewhere Dr. Sun Yat Sen swore the northern expedition in 1921 to commemorate theestablishment of the Guangzhou revolutionary government and the reunification ofGuangxi.

At the top of Duxiu Peak, Duxiu Pavilion is an antique pavilion with twofloors, red pillars, six corners, double eaves and tile roof. It is 7 metershigh, 4.8 meters long and 4.8 meters wide, and covers an area of 23 squaremeters. There are transparent flower windows and east-west double doors betweenthe columns. Beside the pavilion is a Square Pavilion, 6 meters high, 4.7 meterslong and 4.7 meters wide, covering an area of 22 square meters. It wasoriginally an air raid alarm facility. In front of the pavilion, there is aplatform of 10 square meters and a fence around it, which stands on the top ofthe cliff. Climb four look, Yunsheng foot, star line chest, thousands ofmountains, thousands of households, all in the eyes.

广西英语导游词2023 篇4

Ludiyan is located in the northwest suburb of Guilin City, 5 kilometersaway from the city center. It is a scenic spot mainly for visiting caves,supplemented by landscape and idyllic scenery. Ludi cave is 240 meters deep and500 meters long. There are a large number of exquisite stalagmites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave, which make up ofShiling Zhaoxia, hongluobaozhang, Panlong pagoda, primeval forest, CrystalPalace, Huaguo Mountain and other landscapes, making tourists dazzled, just likea fairyland, known as "the art palace of nature". Since the Tang Dynasty, therehave been traces of tourists in all dynasties, and there are 77 murals in thecave. Since its discovery and development in 1959, it has built restaurants,teahouses, waterside pavilions, Lake pools, curved bridges, pleasure boats, andwidely planted flowers and trees. It has become a hot spot for Chinese andforeign tourists when they visit Guilin.

Guangming mountain, where reed flute rock is located, was once calledMaotou mountain. It turned out that there was only a small hole in the hillside,which only allowed one person to go in and out. The hillside was covered withreed grass, which did not attract people's attention. In Lingui county annals,Guangming mountain is recorded, but there is no cave on the mountainside. In thecave, there are more than 70 pieces of wall script since the eighth year ofZhengyuan (792) of Tang Dynasty. Most of them are inscribed on the cave wallwith ink. These wall books show that the reed flute rock is not unknown fromancient times. The villagers nearby have known about this ingenious cave for along time, but people have kept it secret for a long time.

"The reed flute, the rock head, the shackles are broken, and the fairiessing in the Peach Blossom Land." After liberation, people's life was stable andthere was no need to take refuge. So they told the secret of ludiyan. In 1959,villagers nearby provided information about the cave. After investigation andconstruction, it was officially opened in 1962. Because there is reed grassgrowing near the entrance of the cave, it is said that it can be made intoflute, named reed flute rock.

Reed flute rock is a saclike cave, the entrance is adjacent to the exit,the entrance is the original natural hole, and the exit is the artificial hole.The cave is 240 meters deep and the journey is about 500 meters. The cave wasformed by the flow and dissolution of groundwater along the fracture zone ofrock more than 700000 years ago. A large number of stalactites, stalagmites,stone pillars, stone mantles and stone flowers in the cave are formed after theformation of the cave. The groundwater containing carbonates flows out along therock fissures, and the water evaporates, and the carbonates precipitate andcrystallize, and gradually accumulates. There are thousands of states in thecave.

The characteristics of the reed flute rock are that there are many drops ofwater in the cave, and stalactites, stalagmites, and stone pillars develop intofillings in the cave. Visitors into the cave, in the forest of stone pillars inthe middle of the gap to turn around, coupled with color lights shining, as infairyland in general.

The poem praising Ludi cave by Xiong Jinding gives a vivid description

Guilin cave more dexterous, reed flute new open dexterous different.

Colorful from the present and the past, strange trace exploration, forgetthe West and the East.

When I first came to the precipice, I felt like I was in the JadeHouse.

Don't blame me for my pride. There is such a fairy palace in the world.

The poet praises reed flute rock and takes it as the pride of China.

The landscape of reed flute rock is not only exquisite and beautiful, butalso close to the wall. The stalactites, stalagmites and stone pillars in thecave are like ivory carvings or boxwood carvings. They are very beautiful andare known as the "palace of nature art".

We can enjoy many wonderful sceneries when we visit reed flute rock.