

2023西宁导游词英语 篇1

Xining is an ancient plateau city with a history of more than 2100 years.It was called xipingting in ancient times. It was the place where Zhao Chongguo,the general of the later Han Dynasty, settled his fields, the capital ofNanliang, the throat of the Tang and fan ancient road, the main road of theSouth Silk Road, the gateway of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau to the Central Plains,and one of the birthplaces of Hehuang culture. It has been a bright "Pearl ofthe plateau" since ancient times Leave the most perfect scene. In 20__, Xiningreceived 14.4325 million domestic and foreign tourists, with a total tourismrevenue of 12.683 billion yuan.

The eight sceneries in Xining are the eight sceneries in ancientHuangzhong. In the old days, Xining government was called Huangzhong. The eightsceneries are the eight sceneries in and around Xining. They are: the breeze ofShixia, the dawn of Jin'e, the verdant of Wenfeng, the cloud of Fengtai, themoonlit night of Longchi, the spring rise of Huangliu, the waterfall of Wufengand the misty rain of Beishan. It was written by Zhang Sixian, a native ofHuangzhong in the late Qing Dynasty

Shixia breeze

Shixia Qingfeng is 15 kilometers east of Xining. Shixia, commonly known asXiaoxia, is famous for its dangerous passes in history. During the reign of theworld, it was the main road connecting the East and the West; during the chaosof the world, it was the important door separating the two places. In SongDynasty, Suiyuan pass was built to control the key area, and then Wuding passand De'an pass were built in Qing Dynasty. Xiaoxia also left a moving legend forpeople: in the past, it was surrounded by heavy mountains, and the river wasblocked. Some immortals threw stones to hit the mountains, and the hillscollapsed, and the Huangshui River was connected, forming a majestic Xiaoxia.Today's Xiaoxia, a reinforced concrete arch bridge Flying North and south, theroad is flat as a stone, pedestrians and vehicles flow ceaselessly, dangerouspass into a thoroughfare.

Golden moth in the morning

Niangniang mountain, also known as golden moth mountain, is located inDatong Hui and Tu Autonomous County. There is a Tianchi Lake on the top of themountain, and there is a commanding height on Niangniang mountain. In themorning, you can watch the sunrise on the mountain, and the sun gushes out fromthe mountains. It is said that the spectacular scene is comparable to that ofMount Tai. Niangniang mountain is famous for its deep and beautiful scenery.

Wen Feng

To mention this scenic spot is bound to mention a beautiful legend ofNanshan in Xining. It is said that people once built a loft in Nanshan, andPhoenix fell here. Local people regard it as auspicious omen. Later, peoplebuilt Kuixing Pavilion on the mountain in the hope of flourishing local literarystyle.

Fengtai Liuyun

Xining Nanshan is also called Fenghuang mountain. There is a pavilion onthe mountain, which is called Fenghuang Pavilion. In Nanliang period, FengtaiLiuyun, one of the eight ancient sceneries in Xining, became one of the mostfamous sceneries in Xining. The building complex in Nanshan, with Guandi templeas the center, was built in the eighth year of Yongle of Ming Dynasty. It is awell protected Ming building in Xining. Now the scenic spots on the mountain arenewly built after liberation. Due to the high altitude of Nanshan, Fengtai isoften shrouded in clouds and fog, forming its own scenery. [19]

Dragon pool night moon

The so-called "dragon pool" refers to a spring located in the southwest ofsujiahewan village in the western suburb of Xining. Because many temples havebeen built here, it is a place with strong fragrance in history. The templeshere were first built in the Ming Dynasty, and then they were built andabandoned again and again. In the late Qing Dynasty, they were called the "FiveDragon Palace" and once flourished.

Huangliu spring rise

Huangshui River, also known as Xining River, is an important tributary ofthe Yellow River flowing through the north of Xining city. Every spring andsummer, the ice and snow melt in the upper reaches of Huangshui River, and thewater source is sufficient. It flows to Xijiao River, Beichuan River andNanchuan River in Xining, and then flows into Huangshui River successively. As aresult, the river rises suddenly and the waves are turbulent, so it is called"spring rise of Huangshui River", which is one of the eight ancient scenic spotsin Xining. [19]

Wufeng waterfall

Wufeng waterfall is located in beigounao of Huzhu Tu Autonomous County. Itis named Wufeng mountain because the peak looks like five fingers. Wufengmountain has three wonders: forest, spring and cave. From the dragon palacespring up the stairs is Wufeng temple. Wufeng temple was built in Qianlongperiod of Qing Dynasty. It mainly includes Bodhisattva hall, Longwang Pavilion,Yuhuang palace, Xianggong building and Tongle Pavilion. Wufeng mountain is alsoa popular folk song singing resort in Qinghai, commonly known as "Hua'er"festival. June 6 every year is the most beautiful season in Wufeng mountain, andthe "Hua'er" festival on June 6 in Wufeng mountain is also well-known.

Misty rain in Beishan

The north mountain of Xining is also known as Tulou mountain. Tuloumountain temple was built on Tulou mountain, and temple was built on the formersite of the temple, formerly known as BeiChan temple, also known as Yongxingtemple. There are many historic sites in Beishan, including Buddhist temples,Taoist temples, brick towers, caves, murals and open-air Buddha. After theexpansion and renovation in the past dynasties, caves were chiseled between thecliffs, and "nine caves and eighteen caves" were successively distributed fromwest to East. The ningshou pagoda on the top of the North Mountain has thearchitectural style of the Tang Dynasty.

2023西宁导游词英语 篇2

Dear tourist friends, after leaving Daotang River and the legend ofPrincess Wencheng, we will arrive at our beautiful and rich Qinghai Lake.Qinghai Lake is called "Xihai" in ancient times, "cuowenbu" in Tibetan languageand "kukuroer" in Mongolian language

Do you know why it's called "kukuroer", The Mongolian people call QinghaiLake "kukuzhuoer", which is what we call "kukuruoer". Modern geological researchshows that the Qinghai Lake was formed about 20 million years ago, and now theQinghai Tibet Plateau is a vast ocean. Later, due to the compression of thecontinental plate and the crustal movement, the seabed gradually uplifted, TheQinghai Tibet Plateau, known as "the third pole in the world", has graduallyformed. The Qinghai Lake was formed by fault collapse in the process of crustaluplift. There are also some very interesting legends about its formation. Forexample, it was formed by 108 rivers from the youngest son of the old DragonKing in Crystal Palace. For another thing, when the monkey king was in the sky,Fight with Erlang God. Erlang God was chased here, feeling hungry and thirsty,and found the holy spring covered by stone slabs. After he ran to drink a lot,he forgot to cover the stone slabs, and the holy spring rolled out and mergedinto a great lake. At this time, the monkey king had caught up with him. ErlangGod quickly grabbed five stones, Later, these five stones turned into five smallislands in the lake. Erlang Shen didn't even care about the food he cooked. Whenhe ran, he accidentally kicked over the pot. There was salt in the pot and itfell into the lake. From then on, the lake became salty. More than that, hissalt pocket was torn and spilled, leaking salt all the way

This is the legend of Qinghai Lake. You can see the shining mirror in frontof you, which is embedded between the snow capped mountains and the vastgrassland. It is Qinghai Lake. It covers an area of more than 4400 squarekilometers, 106 kilometers from east to west, 63 kilometers from north to south,with an average depth of 19 meters and an elevation of more than 3260 meters.Now, Qinghai Lake is the largest inland salt lake in China, Qinghai Lake hasbecome one of the four major tourist areas in Qinghai Province, and hasinitially formed a tourism belt around the lake, which is mainly sightseeing,entertainment, leisure and vacation

We are now in the lakeside area of Qinghai Lake. It is an ideal summerresort with flat and open terrain, abundant water resources and mild climate.Not only that, it is also an important animal husbandry base in QinghaiProvince, with rich pasture and fertile land, which are feeding herds of cattleand sheep. Before summer and autumn, the vast grassland is like a layer of greencarpet, and various wild flowers are colorful, The green carpet is decoratedlike brocade and satin. There are a lot of neat farmland around. The wheat wavesare rolling, and the rape flowers are golden. The lake is full of green waves.The white seagulls are chasing the fish sails in the air. The herdsmen's tentsare scattered all over the place. The sunrise and sunset scenery is full ofpoetic and refreshing

2023西宁导游词英语 篇3

Wufeng temple is called Wufeng mountain because the peak here looks likefive fingers. It used to be one of the eight scenic spots in Huangzhong, but nowit is still a famous scenic spot in Qinghai Province. It was built in Qianlongperiod of Qing Dynasty. Its main buildings are Bodhisattva hall, LongwangPavilion, Yuhuang palace, Xianggong tower, Minsheng Pavilion, Tongle Pavilion,etc. It was destroyed in ten years of civil strife. Since 1979, the localgovernment has renovated the paint to give it a new look and listed it as animportant tourist area.

Pavilions and pavilions, painted with new colors, attract more tourists'attention. There is a poem: "the five peaks are like the palms of clouds, andthe waterfalls are flying like turbulence. In the summer of June, the sound ofpines is rustling and the sound of water is cold. " Xinzhi of Xining Prefecturesays that it is the most popular scenic spot in Huangzhong because of its fivepeaks, two big springs on the left and right sides of the mountain, and thebeauty of the forest and gully The mountain here is quiet and elegant, with manysprings and small streams, just like a waterfall.

The main scenery of Wufeng mountain is three forests, three caves and threesprings. The three forests are pine forest, poplar forest and birch forest. Insummer, the three forests are lush and luxuriant everywhere. In autumn, the pineis green, the poplar is yellow, and the birch is red. The layers of the forestsare dyed with their own characteristics. The three caves are East cave, Westcave and North cave. The East cave is 8m deep, 3M high and 3M wide; the Westcave is 7m deep, 2m high and 3M wide; the North cave is 10m deep, 3M high and 4mwide. Inside the cave, the dew is cold and the moss is green. It has a specialcharm. The three springs are Chenghua spring, Yinquan spring and Chakou spring.Among the three springs, Chenghua spring has the best water quality, which is asclear as dew, as fine as spray beads, and as sweet as Qiong liquid. The springwater gushes through the Stone Carving Dragon's mouth and flows down the sevenlevel stone wall to form a waterfall. The water splashes along the mountainpath. Around the spring stone, there are poems such as "the mountains aresecluded, the forests are quieter, the songs of the world are endless, the birdsare singing and the flowers are fragrant, and the water in the spring flowscontinuously". It is said that if you drink the water from Chenghua spring onJune 6, you will be able to eliminate disasters and diseases within a year, andeverything will go well, so it is also called "Longgong spring". Yinquan islocated in the north of Chenghua spring, surrounded by Penghao, so it is named.The spring is clear and charming, and you can learn from it. On June 6 everyyear, when Wufeng Temple meets, pilgrims from all over the world often sacrificefragrant flowers to the spring, and many people rush to drink. The Chakou springis not far from the gate of Wufeng temple. It rolls out from the cliff and fallsdown along the stone wall. It sprays beads and splashes jade. It trickles andgurgles.

Wufeng mountain is also a popular folk song singing resort in QinghaiProvince, commonly known as "Huaer Festival". June 6 every year is the mostbeautiful season of Wufeng mountain, and Wufeng mountain's "Huaer Festival" onJune 6 is also famous. At that time, singers from all walks of life in NorthwestChina will gather on Wufeng mountain, singing loudly and soundly, singing fromdawn till late at night, "Wufeng June singing Festival, eight townships and fourfields looking for bosom friends." Such a large-scale mass art festival addssplendor to the grand scene of Wufeng.