

峨眉山景区英语导游词 篇1

mt.emei is one of the "four famous mountains"in china. it lies about 168kmfrom chengdu, the capital of sichuan province. before the tour of the holymountain, it is important to obtain some inforation about the spread of buddhismin china, buddhism in mt. emei and its hiking routes.

the spread of the buddhism

buddhism was founded in india around the 16th century bc. it is said thatthe founder was sakyamuni. sskyua was the name of the clan to which his familybelonged. sakyamuni was a prince and was brought up in luxury. in his 20s, hebecame discontented with the world. every day he had to face with sights ofsickness, death and old age since the body was inescapably involved withdisease, decrepitude and death. around the age of 30 he made his break from thematerial world and plunged off in search of enlightenment.

sakyamuni began by studying hindu philosophy and yoga. then he joined aband of ascetics and tried to break the power of his body by inflicting severeausterities on himself. however, no matter how he held his breath until his headburst and starved his body until his ribs jutted out, he failed to enlightenhimself. finally sakyamuni followed the principle of the middle way in which hewould live between the extremities of asceticism on one hand and indulgence onthe other. as the story goes, he devoted the final phase of his search forenlightenment to meditation and mystic concentration. one evening he sat beneatha fig tree, slipped into a deep meditation and achieved enlightenment from hismystic concentration.

sakyamuni founded an order of monks and for the next 45 years or so peachedhis ideas around 480 bc. sakyamuni teaches that all life is suffering. everyoneis subjected to the trauma of birth, to sickness, decrepitude and death. realhappiness can't be achieved until suffering is overcome. the cause ofunhappiness is 'desires',specifically the desire of the body and the desirepersonal fulfillment. in order to overcome the desirs and achieve happiness, itrequires the following eight-fold path.

1.right knowledge

buddhist followers should believe that all life is suffering. it is causedby the desire for personal gratification.

2.right aspiration

buddhist followers should becomw passionately involved with the knowledgeof what life's problems basically are.

3.right speech

buddhist followers shousd avoid lies, idle talk, abuse,alander anddeceit.

4.right behavior

buddhist followers should show kindness and avoid self-seeking and personalfulfillment in all actions.

5.right livelihood

buddha considers spiritual progress impossible if one has occupiedhimself/herself with slave-dea-ling or prostitution.

6.right effort

the effort os the will to develip virtues and curb paddion.

7.right mindfulness

buddhist followers should practise self-exami-nation and cultivatethemselves to overcome the state of semi-alertness and become aware of what oshappwning to them.

8.right absorption

the absorption involves the techniques of hinduism's raja yoga and leads tothe same goal.

by following the eight fokd pah, buddhist followers aims to attain nirvana,a condition beyond the limits of the mind, feelings, thoughts, the will andecstasy. buddhism accepts the concept of reincarnation, the circle of rebirth;it accepts the law of cause and effort.

buddhism has many sects, of which the mahayana and the hinayana are twomajor schools. the mahayana holds that the fate of the individual is linked tothe fate of all others. the buddha won't float off into his own nirvana leavingother peope behind. he not ony shows the people the way up into their nirvana,but also continues to exude spiritual help to those seeking nirvana. thehinayana holds that the path to nirvana is an individual purauit. people whoseek nirvana must tread the path to nirvana on their own.

mahayana buddhism is generally believed to have been ntroduced into regionsinhabited by the han people around the first century a.d.in the wei and jindynasties(220-420) it spread to a fairly large part of the country. during thesouthern anb northern dynasties(420-589) the ruling cladd furthered thedissemination of buddhism. more temples and monasteries were built; buddhistscriptures were translated. the influence of buddhism was felt everywhere acrossthe conutry. by the sui and tang dynasties(581-907) buddhism had reached itsapex of popularity and splendor.

buddhism gradually took root in the chinese soiety, having adaptedconsiderably to chinese ways of thinking and practice. as the most influentialreligion in china, buddhism has an impact on chinese philosophy, morality,literature, art and many other foelds.

buddhism in mt.emei

it is almost two thousand years since buddhism was introduced from india.its monasteries covers everywhere in china except a few daoist mountains likemt. qingcheng. it is commonly said that buddhist monks have occupied much motewell-known mountains for their buddhist ptrpose than daoist priests. however,most of buddhist followers bwliwvw that only the fotr famous mountains in chinaare the buddhist holy places. they are mt. wmei in sichuan, mt. putuo inzhejiang, mt. wuta in shaanxi and jiuhua in anhui. each mountain is dedicated todifferent bodhisattvas. in chinese bodhisattva usually is referred as pusa, apotential buddha, who has achieved perfect en0lightenment and decided to bringsalvation to all suffering creatures before entering into nirvana. therefore,each bodhisattva has his own ritual place to salvage suffering creatures .wenshuperforms the buddhist rites in mt wuta, and guanyin in mt. putuo. dizang is saidto have gained enlightenment in mt jiuhua. puxian is regarded as one of the fourwell-known bodhisattvas of china's buddhism. legend has it that mt. emei insichuan is the place where he performs the buddhist rites. puxian and wenshuappear in a pair in suppirt of sakymuni. they usually stand side by side withsakymuni. the middle. puxian is the right attendant. he rides a white elephant,and wenshu a lion as we often see in monasteries. wenshu is a symbol of wisdomwhile puxian benevolence. buddhism encourages its followers to study hard at thebuddhist theory, and then use what they have learnt to do charitable works forthe purpose of salvaging the suffering creatures. more likely wisdom andbenevolence display the buddhist proceess step by step.

one of the buddhist doctrines says that after puxian achieved perfectenlightenment, he vowed to retrn back to the world and not to accept his ownsalvation until all sentient beings, humans and animals had been saved. puxianwent out on his elephant to realize his ambition. his six-tusk elephant enjoys ahigh statue in the buddhist world known as the elephant king. wannian monasteryis dedicated to the gilded statue of puxian who sits on the white elephant. thisstatue, 8.5m high, is cast in copper and bronze, weighing estimatedly 62,000kgin a brick hall .one doctrine says:"puxian has many images. he puts himself intodifferent forms based on the buddhist predestined relationship. the ordinaryhuman beings can only see him in a human bodily form, who sometimes stands bysakyamuni,or simetimes rides on his white elephant." according to theexplanation of the buddhist texts, it is almost impossible for the ordinaryhuman beings to see puuxian's fa and bao images unless they hike up to thegolden summit of the mountain, where the pious buddhists may see puxian's baoimage in buddhist aureole-rainbow rings. in ancient times the buddhist aureolewas called the illuminant image,which indicates that the puxian reveals himselfin his buddhist aureole only before the people who have the buddhist predestinedrelationship.it is the iluminant image in the golden summit that has made themountain nationally famous.

at the beginning of the eastern han dynasty,buddhism came imto china.it iscommonly said that buddhism began to develop in sichuan during the eastern jindynasty .it is very hard to find out when the first monastery was built,and whowas the first buddhist monk to perform his rites in the mountain.the localhistorical records have no written information about buddhism in themountain,which occurred before the jin dynasty. as early as in 400 a monk by thename of huichi arrived at mt. emei. at that time only a few asceticpractitioners lived in the animal-haunted mountain.staying with them,huichistarted to build a temple with a statue of puxian set up inside .the current wannian monastery grew out of the earliest temple.huichi was considered the founderof buddhism in the mountain.

during the western jin dynasty (265-317) a daoist priest by the name ofqianming estab lished a daoist temple called qian ming temple in the mountain.itwas the biggest daoist temple in the mountain where a hundred daoists priestsperformed daoism . at the beginning of the southern and noutherndynasties(420-550), the priests decided to choose their head to be in charge ofthe temple. however, they had an endless dispute because of the difference ofopinions . a bddhist monk by the name of mingguo went to the temple and taughtthe priests buddhism.finally all the priests were converted to buddhism, and thedaoist temple became a buddhist monastery by the name of zhong fengmoonastery,during the southern and nouthern dynasties,buddhism developed in themountain.a monk from india came to sichuan.his name was ng,the first foreignmonk who arrived at the mountain after his short stay in chengdu.according tothe local historical records,ng set up a monastery by the name of ling yanmonastery.a stream flowed along the foreground of the monastery.

峨眉山景区英语导游词 篇2

Emei Mountain is located in the southwest of Sichuan Basin, 7 km away fromEmei city in the West and 37 km away from Leshan City in the East. It is one ofthe four famous Buddhist mountains in China. As a cultural and natural heritage,Leshan Giant Buddha was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1996. Thehighest peak, Wanfo Ding, is 3099 meters above sea level. Jinding (3079.3meters), where the Buddhist holy land Huazang temple is located, is the highesttourist spot of Mount Emei.

Emei Mountain is famous for its "masculinity, beauty, divinity, wonder andspirit" and profound Buddhist culture. In Ming Dynasty, it was once the site ofEmei school, one of the nine famous schools in Central China. The main peak,Jinding cliff, is filled with the world's highest Golden Buddha, the universalsages in all directions; the world's largest metal building complex, the goldenhall, the silver hall, and the bronze hall, is magnificent; the world's mostmagnificent natural viewing platform, with six wonders, namely, the sea ofclouds, the sunrise, the Buddha's light, the holy lamp, the golden hall, and theGolden Buddha. Mount Emei is the treasure house of human culture, with profoundcultural heritage. It is the holy land of Chinese Buddhism, known as the "heavenof the Buddha" and the ashram of the Bodhisattva. It is said in the Sutra ofmiscellaneous flowers that "in the kingdom of Sinian, Emei is the leader of themountain.". Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, has a masterpiece of"there are many fairy mountains in Shu, but Emei is hard to match".

Mt. Emei includes four mountains: da'e, er'e, san'e and si'e. Da'e mountainis the main peak of Emei. The two mountains of da'e and er'e are opposite toeach other. Looking from afar at Mount Emei, they are steep and magnificent. Mt.Emei is famous for its foggy weather. The clouds and fog in the mountains are sovaried that Mount Emei is gracefully decorated. Mt. Emei is magnificent andmagnificent, which is known as the metaphor of "one mountain has four seasons,ten miles different days". The scenic area is composed of high, medium and lowtheme tourist areas. There are 28 temples in the whole mountain. The scenicspots are divided into ten traditional scenic spots and ten new ones. Tentraditional sceneries: "auspicious light in Jinding", "moon night inXiangchi"

"Jiulaoxianfu", "Hongchun Xiaoyu", "Baishui Qiufeng", "Shuangqiao Qingyin","Daping Jixue", "Lingyan Diecui", "Luofeng Qingyun", "Shengji Wanzhong". The newten scenes of Emei are: Jinding Golden Buddha, Wanfo Chaozong, Xiaoping love,Qingyin Pinghu, Yougu Linghou, the first mountain Pavilion, cliff stonecarvings, Xiujia waterfall, Yingbin beach and the starting point of famousmountain. In the high scenic area, you can see far and wide, and the scenery ismagnificent.

The view of sunrise, sea of clouds and Buddha's light makes people relaxedand happy; the view of snow capped peak, Gongga Mountain and Wawu mountain inthe West connects the sky; the view of Ten Thousand Buddhas in the south makesthe clouds rolling; the view of a hundred Li plain in the north is like abeautiful shop, with a panoramic view of Dadu River and Qingyi River.Qingyinping Lake in Zhongshan District is the representative of the naturallandscape of Mount Emei. The first Pavilion and food Gallery in the low mountainarea show the profound humanistic culture and fashion and leisure trend of EmeiMountain. In addition, the monkey is a major feature of Mount Emei. They arecharming and humane. They are not surprised when they see people and enjoythemselves with others. They have become a living landscape of Mount Emei.

峨眉山景区英语导游词 篇3

Mount Emei, located in Mount Emei, Sichuan Province, China, is a nationalscenic spot with the highest peak of 3099 meters above sea level. Mt. Emei, withits beautiful natural scenery and rich Buddhist culture, has become a popularplace for people to worship and visit the Buddha.

Mount Emei is higher than the five mountains and is the best in the world.There are ten beautiful sceneries in Mount Emei, such as "Jinding Xiangguang"and "Qin frog playing". People have also created many new landscapes. Standingon the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the Qingyi River. When you areon the top of Emei, you really feel like "seeing all the mountains".

Among the plants growing in Mt. Emei are the famous abies and Zhennan.There are a variety of orchids, azaleas and so on. These plants also create anatural paradise for all kinds of animals. The monkeys in Mt. Emei, who enjoythemselves with others, have become a unique "living landscape" in Mt. Emei andare famous both at home and abroad.

Mount Emei is one of the four sacred places of Buddhism in China. EmeiMountain has gradually become a Buddhist holy land of great influence in Chinaand even in the world. These rich Buddhist cultural heritages are the treasuresin the cultural treasure house of the Chinese nation, so they are called"Xianshan Buddhist kingdom". Mt. Emei has been fragrant and charming forthousands of years.

The tour of Mt. Emei is over. You have the chance to take your family tovisit the beautiful natural scenery and the rich Buddhist culture of Mt.Emei.

峨眉山景区英语导游词 篇4

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mt. Emei, a famous Buddhist mountain in China,which is higher than the five mountains and the most beautiful in the world.Emei Mountain is located in the southwest of Sichuan Basin, which is endowedwith unique geographical position. Because of its "majestic, beautiful, divine,strange and secluded", it has won the praise of "plant kingdom", "animalparadise", "Geological Museum", "Xianshan Buddhist kingdom" and "Emei show inthe world".

Mt. Emei is one of the four sacred places of Buddhism in China. It is saidthat Buddhism was introduced to Mount Emei in the first century AD. Thedevelopment of Buddhism in the past 20__ years has left a rich Buddhist culturalheritage to Mt. Emei and created many eminent monks and virtues, which hasgradually made Mt. Emei a Buddhist holy land with deep influence in China andeven in the world. Now we are in Jinding, the second peak of Mount Emei, with analtitude of 3077 meters. Here, the tour guide will introduce you to the fourwonders of Jinding:

First: sunrise

At five or six o'clock in the morning, standing on the sacrificial rock,looking to the East, I saw a vein inlaid with Phnom Penh, gray clouds floatingslowly, Phnom Penh reflecting the thick clouds around. Slowly, the gray cloudsplit a crack, and the crack showed orange light. The crack became larger andlarger, and the color gradually changed to orange with the surrounding clouds. Alittle while later, the red sun showed a little arc of Phnom Penh, and the arcbecame larger and larger, and the clouds also opened a way for it. When theorange red sunrise rose slowly, exposing most of its head, the speed suddenlyincreased, like a ball full of Qi In a flash, he jumped out of the horizon,shining all over the world, firmly embedded in the horizon. People's faces werecoated with a layer of wine red, Jinding also put on a golden color clothes. Atthis time, you will forget the chilly morning fog at the top of the mountain,and keep jumping and cheering for a long time.

Second: sea of clouds

Emei Jinding view of the sea of clouds, is a kind of appreciation, is akind of enjoyment. On a sunny day, standing in front of the sacrificial rock,the vast white clouds are surging under the rock. The peaks are like isolatedislands, only the green peaks are visible. The sea of clouds changes rapidly.Sometimes it is called "cloud blanket"; sometimes it is called "cloud wave";sometimes it is called "cloud peak"; sometimes it is called "cloud cluster";sometimes it is called "cloud cave". With the wind, the clouds are ethereal andunpredictable, such as riding dragons and phoenixes, chariots and teams, birdsand beasts. Jinding cloud sea was called "Dola mianyun" or "Dola Mian world" inancient times. Doula is Sanskrit, a tree name. "Douluomian" means the flowers ofthis tree.

Third: Buddha's light

Buddha light, known as "light phase" in ancient times, is a diffractionphenomenon caused by sunlight irradiating clouds at a certain angle. Also knownas "Jinding Xiangguang", it is one of the "ten scenic spots of Mount Emei". Whenthe rain and snow stop and the afternoon is clear, the sun is shining and thelight reflects on the sea of clouds. Standing on the light platform, visitorscan see that their own figure is covered by a seven color halo on the cloudsurface, and the shadow moves with them. That is to say, they stand side byside, and they can only see their own shadow without double shadows, so they arealso called "body light". Buddhist light has different names according to itssize, color and shape. White without red halo is called "Shuiguang", big asdustpan is called "bizhiguang", small as cymbal is called "tongziguang", lightis slightly released, straight east slanting is called "immortal head" or"cactus light", halo like rainbow is called "Jinqiao", Buddha light oftenappears according to cloud, if no cloud appears, it is called "Qingxian", themost rare. There is also a kind of "reflection", that is, in the morning, thehalo appears in the west of Jinding, which is extremely rare.

Fourth: the holy lamp

On a sunny night in Jinding, Mt. Emei, in the forest of the gorge under thesacrificial rock, you suddenly see a little bit or two, like a bean of stars,gradually tens of thousands of points, fluttering and surging, high and low, asif the stars of the Milky Way fell into the valley, "sometimes scattered anddancing, stars; sometimes gathered, nets and nets, dazzling and thrilling." Thiskind of phenomenon, since ancient times, is called "ten thousand bright lightsto the sages."

The phenomenon of "holy lamp" is very peculiar. Some people say it'sphosphorous, some say it's firefly, some say it's halobacteria attached to thetree branches. When the humidity content in the air is more than 100%, it makeslight.

It has a long history to watch the holy lamp. The ancients left many poemsabout it. When Xue Neng, a poet of Tang Dynasty, went to Mount Emei, he wrotethe song "the holy lamp of Emei"

"There is a light in the sky, and it becomes clear when you sit and watch.It's important to know that the fire is endless and the smoke is endless. Onenight, I said to the monk

Dear tourists, after learning about the four wonders of Jinding, pleasefollow me to visit Huazang temple.

峨眉山景区英语导游词 篇5

Hello, everyone! I am a tourist guide. Today we are going to the famousscenic spot is Mount Emei.

There is another legend about Mount Emei: Once upon a time, there was aXipo temple outside the west gate of Emei county. One year, an old white hairedpainter came. He had a good relationship with a monk in the temple. Later, theold painter said goodbye to the monk. When he left, he gave the monk fourpaintings and told him to put them in the box and hang them in 7749 days. Butthe monk thought it was a pity to put such a good painting in the box, so hehung up the four paintings.

One day, after he went out, he came back and saw four girls. He felt veryfamiliar. Hou Laicai discovered that the girls were paintings on the wall. Heimmediately went after his sisters because they ran fast. He only caught thefourth sister. The fourth sister saw that she couldn't get away, so she calledout: "elder sister, second sister, third sister, come and help me!" The threeelder sisters saw that the fourth sister was dragged by the monk and scolded:"the monk is not shy!" Because she was so far away, she only heard the word "notshy" and thought that her sisters were scolding her. She blushed with shame andturned into a mountain. The monk suddenly disappeared the girl, but a bigmountain appeared in front of him. He thought, you become a mountain, and I'mwaiting for you. Anyway, I can't let you go. Three elder sisters see fouryounger sisters become a mountain, also become three mountains waiting for her.Later, the monk died beside the mountain and became a porcelain arhat, stillguarding the mountain. People built a temple there, which is called "porcelainBuddhist temple". Four sisters become four peaks, one is more beautiful than theother. Later, people changed the word "e" from "e" to "e" near the mountain. Theelder sister is called da'e mountain, the second sister is called er'e mountain,the third sister is called san'e mountain, and the fourth sister is called si'emountain. So far, da'e mountain, er'e mountain and san'e mountain are stillstanding side by side, only si'e mountain is separated by a certaindistance.

The scenery of Mount Emei is beautiful. How many literati and poets areattracted to visit, and their poems, articles and traces are not clear. Li Bai,a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote: "there are many fairy mountains in Shu, butit's hard to match Emei." Zhou Hongmo, a poet of the Ming Dynasty, praised: "thebeauty of san'e is the best in the world. Why should we search Penglai by sea?"The contemporary literary giant Guo Moruo wrote that Mount Emei is "a famousmountain in the world"; Mount Emei is also known as "Emei is beautiful in theworld". Since ancient times, Mount Emei has been a resort for worshiping Buddha,sightseeing, scientific investigation, leisure and recuperation. For thousandsof years, Mount Emei has been full of fragrance, visitors and charm.

Tourists, Mount Emei has arrived. Please take what you want and we'll setout for sightseeing. During the tour, please don't spit or litter everywhere,and protect the environment and the fairyland Mount Emei.

峨眉山景区英语导游词 篇6

Mount Emei is located in Mount Emei City, Sichuan Province, China, with anarea of 154 square kilometers. The highest peak, Wanfo peak, is 3099 metersabove sea level. Steep terrain, beautiful scenery, a "show the world"reputation. There are more than 3000 kinds of plants, including rare treespecies in the world. There are many monkeys along the mountain road. They oftenform groups to beg for food from tourists, which is a major feature of Emei. Itis one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. There are about 26temples and eight important temples, with frequent Buddhist activities. OnDecember 6, 1996, Mount Emei Leshan Giant Buddha was listed in the worldheritage list by UNESCO as a cultural and natural heritage.

Emei Mountain scenic area covers an area of 154 square kilometers,including four mountains, namely da'e, er'e, san'e and si'e. Da'e mountain isthe main peak of Mount Emei, which is usually referred to as da'e mountain. Thetwo mountains of da'e and er'e are opposite each other. From a distance, the twopeaks are ethereal, just like the Emei thrush. This precipitous and majesticmomentum makes Li Baifa, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, praise that "Emei is higherthan the Western polar sky" and "there are many fairy mountains in the kingdomof Shu, so Emei Miao is hard to match". Mt. Emei is famous for its foggyweather. The clouds and fog in the mountains are so varied that Mount Emei isgracefully decorated.

Mt. Emei is a magnificent mountain with many mountains and beautifulscenery. It is known as the metaphor of "one mountain has four seasons, ten lihas different days". Tan Zhongyue, a poet of the Qing Dynasty, summarized thebeautiful scenery of Mount Emei as ten kinds: "auspicious light on the top ofgold", "moon night in Xiangchi", "jiulaoxianfu", "Xiaoyu in Hongchun", "autumnbreeze in Baishui", "Qingyin in Shuangqiao", "snow in Daping", "emerald inLingyan", "clear clouds in Luofeng" and "Shengji evening bell". Now peoplecontinue to discover and create many new landscapes, such as Hongzhu Yongcui,Huxi Tingquan, Longjiang plank road, Longmen waterfall, Leidong Yanyun, JieyinFeihong, woyun floating boat, fir secluded forest, etc. The new ten scenes ofEmei are: Jinding Golden Buddha, Wanfo Chaozong, Xiaoping love, Qingyin Pinghu,Yougu Linghou, the first mountain Pavilion, cliff stone carvings, Xiujiawaterfall, Yingbin beach and the starting point of famous mountain. All arefascinating. When you enter the mountains, you can see many mountains andtowering ancient trees; you can see mountains and bridges broken by clouds; youcan see deep streams and deep valleys, and the sky is shining; you can seerivers flowing, and the water is murmuring; birds sing, and butterflies aredancing; monkeys play, and frogs play; you can see strange flowers and paths,and you can see unique caves. In spring, everything sprouts and growsluxuriantly; in summer, a hundred flowers are blooming; in autumn, the mountainsare full of red leaves and colorful; in winter, the snow is covered with snow.When you climb to Jinding, you can see far and wide, and the scenery ismagnificent. The view of sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha's light and sunset makespeople relaxed and happy; the west view of Aiai snow peak, Gongga Mountain andWawu mountain connects the sky; the south view of Wanfo peak, rolling clouds andmagnificent momentum; the North view of Baili Pingchuan, like a beautiful shop,with a panoramic view of Dadu River and Qingyi River. When you are on the top ofEmei, you can feel the sigh of "looking at all the small mountains".

There are many clouds, few sunshine and abundant rainfall in the mountainarea of Emei. Part of the plain belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate,with the average temperature of 6.9 ℃ in January and 26.1 ℃ in July. Due to thehigh altitude and large slope of Mt. Emei, the climate zone has obvious verticaldistribution, with an altitude of 1500-2100 m belonging to warm temperateclimate; an altitude of 2100-2500 m belonging to moderate temperate climate; andan altitude of more than 2500 m belonging to sub frigid climate. Over 20__meters above sea level, about half a year is covered by ice and snow fromOctober to April of the next year.

Emei Scenic Area presents different climate characteristics with differentaltitudes. Below qingyinge is a low mountain area with lush vegetation, coolwind and clear spring. There is no big difference between the temperature andthat of the plain. Just add some clothes sooner or later. Qingyinge toXIXIANGCHI is a middle mountain area. The temperature is 4 ℃ - 5 ℃ lower thanthat of the plain at the foot of the mountain. Tourists need to prepare enoughclothes. From XIXIANGCHI to Jinding is a high mountain area. In the pedestrianclouds, the wind is cold and the rain is sudden. The temperature is about 12 ℃lower than that of Baoguo temple at the foot of the mountain. There are a lot ofcotton coats for tourists to rent. There is a "boundary" in the middle of Mt.Emei. The lower part of Mt. Emei is called "Yangjian", and the upper part of Mt.Emei is called "Yinjian". Cumulus has a certain weight, so it's at the boundaryof Mount Emei. Therefore, tourists often hear thunder in Jinding, but only inthe "sunshine" it rains, while in the "Underworld" it doesn't.

峨眉山景区英语导游词 篇7

Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mt. Emei, a tourist attraction. Thefamous Jinding of Mt. Emei has four wonders: sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha'slight and holy light.

Sunrise at five or six o'clock in the morning, standing on the cliff (cliffcliff, cliff below is the abyss, if people fall will fall to pieces.) Looking tothe East, I saw a vein of gold inlaid on the horizon. The gray clouds floatedslowly, and Phnom Penh reflected the thick burning clouds around. Slowly, thegray clouds split a crack, and there was an orange light in the crack. The crackbecame bigger and bigger, and the color gradually changed to orange with thesurrounding clouds. A moment later, the red sun showed a little arc of PhnomPenh, and the arc became bigger and bigger, and the clouds also made way for it.When the orange sun rose slowly, the red sun showed a little arc of Phnom PenhMost of the head, the speed suddenly increased, like a full gas ball, in amoment, jump out of the horizon, firmly embedded in the horizon, suddenly shine,people's faces were coated with a layer of wine blush, Jinding also put on agold colored clothes. At this time, you will forget the chilly morning fog onthe top of the mountain, and keep jumping and cheering for a long time.

"Holy light" is really a clear night. In the forest of sacrificing oneselfto rock, suddenly there are two stars, one thousand and ten thousand, floatingand surging, high and low, as if the stars of the Milky way are falling into thevalley, "sometimes dancing, stars, sometimes gathering, net and net, dazzlingand exciting." This kind of phenomenon, since ancient times, is called "tenthousand bright lights to the sages." The phenomenon of "holy light" is verypeculiar. Some people say it's caused by phosphorous fire, some say it's causedby fireflies, and some say it's caused by the light emitted when the humiditycontent in the air is more than half percent. The concept of "holy light" has along history, and the ancients left behind many chants. You can find them.

"Sea of clouds" and "light of Buddha", if you are on the scene, it is alsofun and beautiful. The unique beauty of Mt. Emei can't be seen all the time.It's waiting for you to visit. You are always welcome to Mt. Emei.